Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay for gymnastics classes?
Autopay on the 1st of the month and 2 forms of payment are required.
What level of class should my child be in?
For all recreational classes, a student’s level is based on skills and not on age. If your child has little to no experience in gymnastics or tumbling, they will start in our Beginner level. Students should not move up to the next level until you are notified that they are ready to do so. For safety reasons, we cannot have students moving up to the next level until they have all the skills required and mastered to do so.
What should my child wear for class?
Can you explain how your ||sessions|| work?
Can we still join your classes after the session has started?
If we decide to end classes early, how much notice do you require?
A 30-day notice is required to and a class at Mid Iowa. Your tuition will be prorated to the date 30 days from the date you have given your notice. The requirement to provide us with a 30-day notice to drop a class will be waived due to injury with documentation from a doctor.
Are your coaches and instructors qualified to teach gymnastics or tumbling?
How many kids are in a class at one time?
The student-to-coach ratio is dependent upon the type of class. For 3 & 4-Year-Old classes, all classes have no more than 5-7 students per instructor enrolled at a time. For 2-3-Year-Old Parent-Child classes up to 8 students. 4-Year-Old up to 7 students. For Beginner & Advanced Beginner classes, we limit class sizes to nine students per instructor. Even with two instructors, these classes will never exceed more than 12 students per class. For our upper-level Intermediate & Advanced classes, up to 10-12 students may be enrolled at a time.
Can I stay to watch my child in their class?
We are limiting our lobby to 12 people plus staff.
What precautions are you taking due to COVID?
Masks are optional at this time.
Any questions? > > >